HPI Course I, post-lesson 1
course_1 Dominikus Schmidt
Has a podcast
Sep 3 at 5:58pm

Remarks, Feed-Backs, Questions

the audio-quality is a bit poor: pretty "dumb" and low-volumed, so that a respectable

vel is hard to achieve.
But: NOT noisy = good chance for improvement
( = higher "gains" at the mixing-desk & some more trebles)!

1. I felt it courageous, to go for a "column"-wise approach: usually (not on rdbms!)
height-balanced (binary-) node-trees are THE method for "static", no longer
in-use transactional data, - as for it's "unbeatable" quick access, due to minimal
touches/"taken-in-hand" per request to/of  the big amounts of data, - in particular,
if these are DRAM-based. But we'll see ...

2. the column-approach reminds me to my n-dim-"cube" for data-validation of the "new" dwh-platform for social-researchers in the huge database of the IAB with all the german
social-insurance-data up from 1974. (SAS-engine, 1999) "Columns" in that respect were
closely refering to 'data-types'.

q: We are apparently talking about non-transactional-data, aren't we?

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